
20414C (H6)

Classification led by Cesca Willcocks

This meteorite belongs to Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

This meteorite will possibly receive an official name of 'Ooldea ***' - to be confirmed by the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society.

The type specimen (14.1 g) will be on deposit at the University of Monash, Australia

Blurry Chondrules

Unlike the relatively pristine ordinary chondrites 16512A and 23414D, 20414C had fewer chondrules and these often had blurred boundaries that were hard to distinguish. This means 20414C is of a higher petrologic type and has experienced more alteration, making it a type 5/6 ordinary chondrite.

By looking at the composition and grain sizes of pyroxene across the meteorite, we were able to refine this classification even more. The grain sizes of high calcium pyroxene within 20414C were large compared to what you'd expect in meteorites of a lower petrologic type, and meant this meteorite is an example of a type 6 ordinary chondrite.

Layered element map of 20414C